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Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
Nov-2008Periodontal conditions and distribution of prevotellaintermedia, porphyromonas gingivalis and aggregatibacter actynomycetemcomitans in HIV-infected patients undergoing anti-retroviral he Venezuelan PopulationBrito, Aubert; Escalona, Laura A; Correnti, Maria; Perrone, Marianella; Bravo, Ines M; Tovar, Vilma
2005Prevalence of oral lesions in HIV patients related to CD4 cell count and viral load in a Venezuelan populationBravo, Ines M; Correnti, M; Escalona, Laura A; Perrone, Marianella; Brito, Aubert; Tovar, Vilma; Rivera, Helen
22-Jun-2005Prevalencia de Leucoplasia bucal en IndividuosBravo, Ines M; Correnti, Maria; Escalona, Laura A; Perrone, Marianella; Brito, Aubert; Tovar, Vilma; Rivera, Helen
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