Buscar por Autor Bruhn, Heike

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Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
5-Mar-2015Anti-trypanosomal activities and structural chemical properties of selected compound classesPonte-Sucre, Alicia; Bruhn, Heike; Schirmeister, Tanja; Cecil, Alexander; Albert, Christian; Buechold, Christian; Tischer, Maximilian; Schlesinger, Susanne; Goebel, Tim; Fuß, Antje; Mathein, Daniela; Merget, Benjamin; Sotriffer, Christoph; Stich, August; Krohne, Georg; Engstler, Markus; Bringmann, Gerhard; Ulrike, Holzgrabe
5-Mar-2015Modelling antibiotic and cytotoxic isoquinoline effects inStaphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis and mammaliancellsCecil, Alexander; Ohlsen, Knut; Menzel, Thomas; Francois, Patrice; Schrenzel, Jacques; Fischer, Adrien; Dörries, Kirsten; Selle, Martina; Lalk, Michael; Hantzschmann, Julia; Dittrich, Marcus; Liang, Chunguang; Bernhardt, Jörg; Ölschläger, Tobias; Bringmann, Gerhard; Bruhn, Heike; Unger, Matthias; Ponte-Sucre, Alicia; Lehmann, Leane; Dandekar, Thomas
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