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Mostrando resultados 1 a 5 de 5
Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
2015The activating role of phospho-(Tyr)-calmodulin on the epidermal growth factor receptorStateva, Silviya R.; Salas, Valentina; Benguría, Alberto; Cossío, Itziar; Anguita, Estefanía; Martín-Nieto, José; Benaím, Gustavo; Villalobo, Antonio
2015Ca2+/Calmodulin and Apo-Calmodulin Both Bind to and Enhance the Tyrosine Kinase Activity of c-SrcStateva, Silviya R.; Salas, Valentina; Anguita, Estefanía; Benaím, Gustavo; Villalobo, Antonio
2005Characterisation of tyrosine-phosphorylation-defective calmodulin mutantsSalas, Valentina; Sánchez-Torres, Juan; Cusidó-Hita, David M.; García-Marchan, Yael; Sojo, Felipe; Benaím, Gustavo; Villalobo, Antonio
2015Characterization of Phospho-(Tyrosine)- Mimetic Calmodulin MutantsStateva, Silviya R.; Salas, Valentina; Benaím, Gustavo; Menéndez, Margarita; Solís, Dolores; Villalobo, Antonio
1995Regulatory Interaction between Calmodulin and the Epidermal Growth Factor ReceptorBENGURÍA, ALBERTO; MARTIN-NIETO, JOSÉ; BENAÍM, GUSTAVO; VILLALOBO, ANTONIO
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