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Título : Determination of normal human intrathyroidal iodine in Caracas population
Autor : Zabala, José
Carrión, Nereida
Murillo, Miguel
Quintana, Mercedes
Chirinos, José
Seijas, Nelly
Duarte, Leopoldo
Brätter, Peter
Palabras clave : Total iodine
Thyroid gland
Sandell–Kolthoff reaction
Flow injection analysis
Intrathyroidal iodine
Fecha de publicación : 9-Feb-2017
Resumen : This study focuses on the determination of iodine content in healthy thyroid samples on male population from Caracas, Venezuela. Contribution to establish a baseline of iodine content in thyroid glands and hence to compare the iodine thyroid concentration of the Venezuelan population with other countries is also our objective. Male postmortem individual samples were analyzed using a spectrophotometric flow injection method, based on the Sandell–Kolthoff reaction. The median intrathyroidal iodine concentration was 14437677 mg/g (wet weight), ranging from 419 to 3430 mg/g, which corresponds to a median of total iodine content of 1578mg (ranging from 4 to 37). These results were higher than those values reported in the literature. No correlation of iodine content with age or weight of the healthy gland was found.
ISSN : 0946-672X
Aparece en las colecciones: Artículos Publicados

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