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Título : Helper Activity by Human Large Granular Lymphocytes in in Vitro Immunoglobulin Synthesis
Autor : Rodriguez, Martin A.
Blanca, Isaac
Baroja, Miren L.
Arama, Simy
Leon-Ponte, Matilde
Abadí, Isaac
Bianco Colmenares, Nicolás E.
Palabras clave : Large granular lymphocytes
B lymphocytes
immunoglobulin synthesis
helper Iymphocyte function
Fecha de publicación : 1987
Editorial : Journal of Clinical lmmunology
Citación : Vol. 7;No. 5 pp 356-364
Resumen : In the present study we have examined the effect of human large granular Iymphocytes (LGL) from health y donors on Ig synthesis by autologous B Iymphocytes. The results showed that this cell population has a consistent helper activity in pokeweed mitogen-activated cultures even when added at very low numbers. LGL can mediate their effect by secreting soluble helper factors capable of modulating B-cell responses as evidenced by the enhancement of IgG and IgM production by supernatants obtained from LGL cultures. Preincubation with interferon gamma further potentiated the helper activity by LGL.
ISSN : 1573-2592
Aparece en las colecciones: Artículos Publicados

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