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Doctoral >

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Título : El cambio de género en el ordenamiento jurídico venezolano.
Otros títulos : The Change of Gender in the Venezuelan Legal System
Autor : Fernández Cabrera, Sacha Rohán
Palabras clave : Sexo
cambio de sexo
deportes. derecho penal, procesos judiciales
derecho de familia
derecho laboral
derechos de la personalidad
derechos humanos
derechos humanos
Fecha de publicación : 2015
Editorial : UCV
Citación : 2015;1405-003
Resumen : The aim of this study is to compare the welfare state in developed countries in Europe with the same aspects of social security in Venezuela. It is hoped that this comparative research with a documentary, retrospective and evolutionary design, allows to know, conceptualize and define deterministic and those involved in both the welfare state and social security in Venezuela elements. The results are analyzed and compared in order to deduce from them the aspects considered relevant to the investigation and allow from there, have expectations of improved security system in Venezuela.
Aparece en las colecciones: Doctoral

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