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Título : Green’s Function Calculation of Effective Nuclear Relaxation Times in Metals and Disordered Metals
Autor : Martín-Landrove, Miguel
Moreno, José Alí
Palabras clave : Green's Functions
Nuclear Relaxation Times
Disordered Metals
Fecha de publicación : 1992
Editorial : Bulletin of Magnetic Resonance
Citación : Martín-Landrove, M., & Moreno, J. (1992). Green’s Function Calculation of Effective Nuclear Relaxation Times in Metals and Disordered Metals. Bulletin of Magnetic Resonance, 208-213
Descripción : Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance XIth Meeting, 1992, Vancouver, Canada
ISSN : 0163-559X
Aparece en las colecciones: Artículos Publicados

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