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Título : Hacia una definicion de fibra alimentaria
Otros títulos : Alimentary Fiber Definition
Autor : Garcia, Omar
Infante, Ramon Benito
rivera, Carlos Julio
Palabras clave : Fibra alimentaria, fibra dietética,
polisacáridos, almidón resistente.
Fecha de publicación : 31-Aug-2020
Citación : Anales Venezolanos de Nutricion;2008; Vol 21 (1): 25-30.
Resumen : Dietary fiber (DF) has been a topic of considerable interest among nutritionists and physicians for the last 35 years. This work was basically focused on an analysis of the dietary fiber definition, the currently existing controversy and the new proposal to be included in such a definition. DF was defined as all nonstarch polysaccharides plus lignin, which are not digested or absorbed in the human digestive tract. This definition does not include other vegetable substances, such as, polyphenols, resistant protein or resistant starch, which are also resistant to digestion. For most researchers this definition is not yet complete. Epidemiological investigations, have suggested the possible relationship between the most common diseases in the modern Western societies and the dietary fiber.An Venez Nutr 2008;21 (1): 25-30.
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