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Título : Un analisis de imagen por segmentación de la histopatología producida por la acrilamida en el pez cebra adulto (Danio rerio)
Otros títulos : An image analysis by segmentation of histopathology produced by acrylamide in the adult zebrafish (Danio rerio)
Autor : Hernadez, Claudia
Alvarez, Marco
Palabras clave : Analisis de imagen, segmentación, acrilamida, toxicidad diferencial, pez cebra
Fecha de publicación : 14-Apr-2021
Citación : vol;37
Resumen : Image analysis systems have allowed the implementation of histomorphometry techniques to precisely quantify architectural irregularities and the complexity of histological structures in normal conditions, as well as in situations of induced tissue damage. The aim of this work was to quantify the histological effects produced by acrylamide in the vertebrate model Danio rerio adults exposed for 8 days to the concentration of 0.85 mM of an alkene such as acrylamide. Segmentation was performed on histological preparations of renal, intestinal and hepatic tissue, through the use of the public domain program ImageJ Fiji, applying intensity thresholds and designing contours around the areas of interest located in binary 8-bit mask images. This was obtained from the transformation of the original image contrasted with hematoxylin and eosin. The data obtained were incorporated into the GraphPad Prims statistical program 7 for quantification and graphic representation. The internal spaces of the Bowman Capsules in the renal tissue registered a larger average size compared to the control tissue, while in the intestinal tissue cytoplasmic vacuoles of larger average size were recorded compared to the vacuoles recorded in the liver tissue , with a value of ****p <0,0001, highly significant in contrast to the respective controls. We conclude that with segmentation it was possible to characterize the histopathology acrylamide-induced as a tissue-dependent effect, with renal and intestinal tissue being more sensitive compared to liver tissue.
Descripción : aetox
ISSN : 0212-7113
Aparece en las colecciones: Artículos Publicados

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