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Título : Presencia del virus baciliforme de la caña de azúcar en Venezuela
Otros títulos : Presence of Sugarcane bacilliform virus in Venezuela
Autor : Garrido, Mario J.
Ordosgoitti, Alfonso
Lockhart, Benham E.L.
Palabras clave : SCBV
Saccharum sp.
Saccharicoccus sacchari
Fecha de publicación : 30-Nov-2004
Editorial : Sociedad Venezolana de Fitopatología
Citación : Garrido, M. J., Ordosgoitti, A. y Lockhart, B.E.L. 2004. Presencia del virus baciliforme de la caña de azúcar en Venezuela. Fitopatol. Venez. 17(2): 38-42.
Resumen : During electron microscopy examination of leaf dip preparations of samples of sugarcane (Saccharum sp.) cv D 15841 showing foliar symptoms of infection by Sugarcane mosaic virus were evidenced flexuous rods typical of potyvirus group. Additionally were found to contain some bacilliform viruslike particles resembled those of the badnavirus group that include Sugarcane bacilliform virus (SCBV). In immunosorbent electron microscopy (ISEM) tests using partially purified extracts of infected plants was only observed bacilliform particles measuring approximately 130 x 30 nm trapped by antiserum against SCBV. This evidenced that the virus was serologically closely related to SCBV. The virus was transmitted by the pink sugarcane mealybug, Saccharicoccus sacchari, and by mechanical inoculation at relatively low rate (<10 %) to healthy sugarcane cv CP 29291. No foliar symptoms were observed on some infected plants of sugarcane cv CP 29291, but virus transmission was verified by ISEM. The virus was not transmitted mechanically to one set of healthy test plants. Based on the above characteristics, the bacilliform virus present in the cv D 15841 is considered to be SCBV. This is the first report of SCBV infecting sugarcane in Venezuela. The virus was detected by ISEM in nine experimental and commercial cultivars of sugarcane in Yaritagua, Yaracuy State and Maracay, Aragua State.
ISSN : 0798-0035
Aparece en las colecciones: Artículos Publicados

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