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Título : Práctica clínica basada en evidencia en la gestión de servicios de salud
Otros títulos : Evidence-Based Clinical Practice in Health Services Management
Autor : Cardozo-Montilla, Miguel Angel
Palabras clave : Práctica Clínica Basada en Evidencia
Toma de Decisiones
Servicios de Salud
Fecha de publicación : 2010
Editorial : Multiciencias
Citación : Multiciencias, vol. 10, nro. 3, 2010, pp. 281-286
Resumen : Basic research for this article was made using a holistic approach in order to analyze, critically and reflexively, the role that evidence-based clinical practice should play in health services management, within the framework of a new approach to strategic decision-making in the health context. Aspects were identified in which evidence constitutes a link between the provision of care and organizational performance, revealing the importance of the Evidence-Based Managerial Health Decision-Making Model as a methodological framework for the search for, construction, selection and evaluation of feasible alternatives, not only for solving complex problems but also for optimizing activities. Conclusions are that implementation of this model could have a positive impact on the entire health system and, ultimately, on the social macro system of which it is a part. However, this requires that managers and others responsible for strategic decision-making develop and strengthen specific skills for proper application of the model.
ISSN : 1317-2255
Aparece en las colecciones: Artículos Publicados

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