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Título : New Guanidine Alkaloids from the Leaves of verbesina peraffinis
Autor : Compagnone, Reinaldo
Bermudez, Jhorman
Ibáñez, Glorymar
Diaz, Beth
Garrido, María
Israel, Anita
Suárez, Alírica
Palabras clave : Verbesina peraffinis
Fecha de publicación : 15-Nov-2013
Citación : Natural Product Communications;3(4) 2088 pp 511-514
Resumen : Two new alkaloids, 1 and 2, were isolated from the methanol extract of the leaf of Verbesina peraffinis, in addition to four know substances: galenine, the methylamide of caffeic acid, galactitol and the flavonoid 3-O-glucosyl-(1,2)-galactoside-5,7-4`trimehoxy-kaempferol. Their structures were determined on the basis spectroscopic methods. The antihypertensive activity of the methanolic extract was assayed in rats using a model of hypertension induced be footshock.
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