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Título : A comparison of methods to assess susceptibility to soil sealing
Autor : Pulido-Moncada, Mansonia
Gabriels, Donald
Lobo, Deyanira
De Beuf, Kristof
Figueroa, Rosana
Cornelis, Wim
Palabras clave : sealing
aggregate stability
soil quality
Fecha de publicación : 17-Mar-2014
Editorial : Elsevier
Citación : Geoderma 226–227 (2014) 397–404
Resumen : Many methods and indices have been developed for assessing seal formation. However, difficulties persist in selecting a suitable method because of the effect of the procedure on the results. The present study aims to evaluate appropriate soil sealing assessment methods that enable to distinguish the surface condition of soils with contrasting characteristics. A comparative studywas conducted among the most frequently used methods, viz: wet sieving tests, raindrop impact tests under field and laboratory conditions, penetration resistance (PR), consistency index (C5–10), soil stability index (StI), and crusting index (CI). Different agricultural Venezuelan ‘tropical’ soils were ranked according to their susceptibility to soil sealing. The ranking and the correlation between the parameters were used to assess and compare soil sealing formation measured by the different methods. According tomultiple and single wet sieving tests the soils were classified into two groups as stable (kaolinitic-rich) and unstable (smectitic-rich) soils. The ranking of the soils and correlation analysis (p b 0.05) indicated that aggregate stability as determined by wet sieving, infiltration rate, runoff and soil loss under laboratory and field conditionswas effective in predicting seal formation among smectitic-rich loam to kaolinitic-rich clayey soils. C5–10 and PR were not comparable tests for sealing formation (p N 0.05). The StI that considers soil organicmatter (SOM) as themost important factor to maintain soil structure did not reflect the high stability of the kaolinitic-rich soil that lacks SOM. The CI,which indicates the risk for soil crusting formation in the function of silt fractions, is amore capable indicator for evaluating susceptibility to sealing of our soils. This study further proposes thatwhen topsoil aggregates are characterized by high silt and smectite contents the use ofwet sieving and raindrop impact tests or simple indices such as StI and CI can satisfactorily assess the susceptibility to seal formation.Differences obtained inseal formation ranking indicated thatmethod selection impacts themeasured value. It can therefore be recommended to take the effect of the method into account when interpreting the results obtained
ISSN : 0016-7061
Aparece en las colecciones: Artículos Publicados

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